Python library
Hello, Is there anyway to have access to the python library for Python 3.8 ? best regards
[PAL:ERROR] Camera initialization failed
It appears that [PAL:ERROR] Camera initialization failed when I run the explorer. The system is Windows10
Internet connection is not available!Please connect to Internet and try again!
It appears that problem when I run the explorer on Ubuntu18.04
Adjusting width and heigth of camera, PAL USB
Hi, I'm currently running the c++ library on my computer (dell xps15, ubuntu 20.04) and for the default parameters of width and height (respectively 672 x 224) I am running at 10 fps for the PAL USB. However, while looking at your specsheet, it is supposed
Including PAL library in CMake project
Hi, I have installed the PAL library like it was explained in the ReadMe file. I can correctly use the Exlorer app and adjust the settings and have a video stream. But now i want to include it inside my project (which is in c++) and i have to link the
Jetson Orin AGX: Core dump when opening Explorer
Hi, Pretty self-explanatory, I can't open the explorer on my Jetson Orin AGX. Here's the screenshot: I seem to have installed correctly the PAL library. Also, I am using Jetpack 5.0.2. From looking at opened topics, I found this one dating 5 months back
Invalid HFoV Range! (Please input valid HFOV_RANGE in SavePalProperties.txt)
I received the above error when starting my PAL Explorer for the first time. I spotted the ID underneath my PAL USB. Also, I checked the file and it stated that the HFOV_RANGE is 360, while the start HFOV is 0, which seem to be OK for this omni-directional
Do you all have example code for Python?
Dear DreamVu community, I am looking for some example python code that apply for PAL USB camera. Do you have some example code for sharing?
No dreamvu_pal_navigation folder
I installed DreamVu according to the instructions on Using the explorer, I'm able to use stereo only. But the fails. There is no dreamvu_pal_navigation directory. From cp -r dreamvu_pal_navigation
Cannot open Explorer
Dear teams, I follow the step setup SDK for the PAL camera but in after finished step 2 Installing PAL USB, I can not open the Explorer since I got the error say terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
PAL-Mini Explorer cannot be run
I got the following error, so Explorer was not opened terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ov::Exception' what(): Model file /usr/local/bin/data/5.xml cannot be opened! Aborted (core dumped) Is there anyone know how to solve this?
gazebo model and plugin for PAL USB
do you provide gazebo model and plugin for PAL USB? since you are provide ros wrappper for PAL USB, I think some reseachers also need for sensor in simulation world
Hi, Where can I find the ROS2 packages? I have looked at the folder named dreamvu_pal_camera, but it is ROS.
Running camera in Docker
Hi, I am trying to running the program in a Container. The container shares /dev folder with the host. In the container I have installed everything successfully. But when I tried to run ./Explorer, it gave me [PAL:ERROR] Camera initializaion failed.
[Software Update] Version 4.1 3D Object Detection & Tracking Solution
Hi DreamVu Community, Today, we have released the new version of 3D Object Detection and Tracking Solution with PAL USB. Version 4.1 supports multiple models for detecting and tracking persons and objects (up to 80 classes). This version supports up
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
When I run ./Explorer, the program will die and print out " Segmentation fault (core dumped) "
Transmit data from PAL Mini over WiFi
I'm curious about the feasibility of collecting the data on the edge using a small single board computer that then relays the video feed to a more powerful base station for the SLAM algorithms to run on. Would something like this work with your architecture?
How to get the panoramic feed using opencv in python without using cuda
Hi there, i have a custom detection model which I am are trying to interface on the feed from the PAL USB camera. I am not using cuda in the stack and just need to get the stitched feed Requesting you to please help
[PAL:Error] Camera is not connected!
Hi! I'm trying to get SLAM working on the PAL-mini using the provided nvidia board. I'm able to use the installed Explorer software to view individual images from the PAL. However when I try to use the navigation publisher I get the following error. Any
Explorer error
I can not run the explorer. ./Explorer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[ERROR] Camera data is not available!
I installed the whole software as described in the documentation but when I ran Explorer, it is giving me the following error. See attached image. [ERROR] Camera data is not available!
opencv2/opencv.hpp: No such file or directory
Hi Moderators, I was trying to install the software but when I am running it, it is showing some kind of openCV error. Please find attached the image below. Rahul
Cannot locate
When I run Explorer, I get the following error. ./Explorer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Can you help me what could be the possible reason of this error and how can
Broken Image Output
We dowloaded and installed the latest version of the PAL software from the Github. When we launched the camera by running Explorer or ROS, we get a broken image output. Attached is the RGB image, depth image and point clouds through Rviz. Do we have
2 camera call
Hi, I was trying to call 2 cameras from the same package. But when I do that only one camera call works and the other one doesn’t. Seems like it's having an issue with the same names for both the lib and include files. Is there any workaround or a development
PAL on Jetpack 4.5.2 Xavier
I installed PAL on Jetpack 4.5.2 Xavier. It is giving me the following error. Earlier, I thought it was giving this error because the VPI library was not correctly installed. I reflashed xavier and reinstalled all SDK components correctly. I installed
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